
1st step: survey
Employer Insights
Employers worldwide share their knowledge on the challenges of future training and their expectations of Higher Education.

2nd step: survey
Voting Process
Employers rate the employability performance of a list of more than 1000 universities worldwide. 100% qualified managers have up to 10 votes each.

3rd step: ranking
University Selection
Listed in the yearly GEURS ranking of TOP 250 universities for employability are the institutions with the highest overall number of votes

4th step: ranking
Once chosen, the performances of the institutions of Higher Education are justified by the voters, who are asked to apply a maximum of 6 criteria out of 35 suggested categories.
Highlights of GEURS 2025, 14th edition
A yearly survey : conducted from June to September 2024, through online questionnaires, this survey provides a comprehensive evaluation of employability performance each year
Independent research produced by Emerging Group, the ranking of the top 250 institutions is published and promoted worldwide with our global partner, Times Higher Education.
Independent research produced by Emerging Group, the ranking of the top 250 institutions is published and promoted worldwide with our global partner, Times Higher Education.
13 240 respondents
100% screened international employers, and operational managers, professionals who are used to recruiting and working with young graduates
100% screened international employers, and operational managers, professionals who are used to recruiting and working with young graduates
129 126 votes were cast to choose the 250 higher education institutions elected. Mentions were recorded for 1,000 institutions in total
Coverage includes 33 countries, 25
business sectors, and 17 job roles.
Insights can be segmented for detailed
business sectors, and 17 job roles.
Insights can be segmented for detailed
7,33/10 score (data points)
The respondents have an average influence
score of 7,33/10 on the recruiting process of
young graduates in their department.
The respondents have an average influence
score of 7,33/10 on the recruiting process of
young graduates in their department.
1.3 million young graduates were recruited in 2024 as reported by respondents, with panel companies recording a total of 4.6 million hires in 2024-2025
125 criteria, grouped into 35 indicators
and organized under 6 key drivers, form the
basis of our employability performance
evaluation framework
and organized under 6 key drivers, form the
basis of our employability performance
evaluation framework
Our survey partners
Pollup provides a range of AI-powered solutions and advanced services for the digital collecting, analyzing and leveraging of customer data.
Trendence Institute GmbH is an independent consulting and market research company, standing for data-driven employer branding and recruitment for 25 years. It has conducted the annual survey for the Global Employability University Ranking and Survey since 2010.
Trendence knows the career plans and preferred employers of applicants, and helps employers understand the needs of their target group.
Trendence knows the career plans and preferred employers of applicants, and helps employers understand the needs of their target group.